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You can make a meaningful difference NOW - 7 STEPS

1. Calculate YOUR ecological footprint

2. Critically evaluate each of your actions that contribute to your footprint and start take actions to reduce your impact on the planet. It is in many ways easier than you may think when all the individual impacts by us on our surroundings are laid out clearly.

3. There is a lot of information available on how each person can make a meaningful difference, but you need to take the time to inform yourself - the future of your kids depends on this!

4. Then, carefully vote for politicians that stand for long-term sustainability, and really know what it means (it does

not mean doing "business as usual" and maintaining the dirty energy sector ...)

5. It may be very well that in most countries knowledgeable politicians simply are not members of existing political parties yet. Therefore, become active and demand that new leaders are selected that understand that there cannot be a viable future for humanity without all of us living within the bio-capacity limits of our planet

6. Understand that it is not a guarantee that our form of modern civilization may survive massive climate change, ecosystem degradation & global war. Get a much bigger perspective on this subject by reading the brilliant book by Adam Frank called "Light of the Stars: Alien Worlds and the Fate of the Earth"

7. Share all of the links on the website as widely as possible. Humanity needs to set most of the changes that are needed to prevent the worse-case scenario within the next 10 to 15 years if our modern civilization is to survive at all.

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